Friday, February 27, 2009

Thank God it's Friday?

It's friday, folks. Yay! Seriously though, I don't see why everyone loves friday so much more than any other day of the week. While it is the last day of the standard work/school week, it isn't the weekend yet. You still have to wake up early and go throughout the day. While you can stay up later on friday than on other days of the work week, you still have to work, compared to saturday and sunday. I dunno, I'm just ranting here. Yay for me.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Beginning...

Wow...a blog. I've never really read blogs before, but I assume that you just right random crap and people will read it. Good enough for me. Anyway...I'm off topic here. This is just an introduction to probably the bestest blog you'll ever read, so you should read it 30 times, then recite 50 times. Backwards. In German. Then you'll be the happiest person alive, and you'll send me candy as a thank you gift for making your pitiful excuse for a life meaningful. Aren't I grand? Yes, yes I am.