Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Things That Make NO SENSE!

I was doing my history homework, and I had to look up a word in the glossary. Fine, whatever, I look it up, and I have to go past a Spainsh glossary to get to the English one. Why is this here? Do we live in Mexico or Spain? English is the US official langauge; there is NO reason to have Spainish in there at all, even more so when it's a book to be used in schools, where the children would be speaking ENGLISH. Also, what's the point of it? The rest of the book is in English, why make a section just for the Spainish speaking people? Why not a French, German, Italian, or Japanese section instead? *sigh*

Friday, March 6, 2009

Am I Alone?

Watchmen comes out today. Hor-ay (sarcasm). Seriously, am I the only one who doesn't care about this movie? It's just another comic book superhero movie. And before you get in my face about how it's a "graphic novel," graphic novel is just another word for "really long comic book." Why are people so pumped for this? I've heard that people have had serious problems with the books ending (and while I haven't read the book, if I didn't like the ending, I'd probably rate it lower,) and yet people are still worshiping this thing.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


The wierd thing about sleeping is that you're usually tired after you wake up from sleeping. Whenever I wake up from a nap (something that's supposed to make me untired) I feel tired anyway. We should all just drop sleep and have all night parties. Too bad we'd go crazy.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


My Wii is broken. It sucks, and the only way to keep everything I've done is to send it into Nintendo and wait for 2-3 weeks until it gets fixed. While not being able to play it is a pain, I'm more worried about my town in Animal Crossing than anything else. To anyone who's played Animal Crossing before, just forgetting to play for one day is disastorious. Imagine 2-3 weeks! I have to rebuild all my friendships, catch all of the fish I might miss, pull out all of the weeds, squash all of the roaches...*sigh*. At least I won't have to do it all over again.

Monday, March 2, 2009


*sigh* We got snow today. It's freaking March. By now, we are all sick of the stuff and just want it to be warm. I can only put up shoveling so many times.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Uggg...it's really wierd. I just slept for about 3 hours, but now I'm more tired than before I went to sleep. This sucks. You were supposed to help me nap! How could you!